The copper diffusion barrier properties of amorphous boron carbo-nitride ͑BC x N y ͒ films were studied. The BC x N y films were deposited by chemical vapor deposition at 360°C and 1 Torr using dimethylamine borane with no reaction gas ͑BC 0.37 N 0.15 ͒, with NH 3 ͑BC 0.19 N 0.44 ͒, or with C 2 H 4 ͑BC 0.90 N 0.08 ͒; their dielectric constants were 4.1, 4.4, and 3.9, respectively. A SiC 0.76 N 0.44 film was used to benchmark the study. Barrier films were deposited on 7 nm thermal oxide/ n-type Si substrates. The leakage current for BC 0.90 N 0.08 , 1.1ϫ 10 −8 A/cm 2 at 0.5 MV/ cm, is the lowest of the three but it is larger than that of the benchmark SiC 0.76 N 0.44 film, 5.5ϫ 10 −9 A/cm 2 . Time dependent dielectric breakdown is used to test barrier time-to-failure of Cu-gate capacitors at 150°C and +2 to 5 MV/ cm. BC 0.90 N 0.80 displayed barrier performance comparable to SiC 0.76 N 0.44 and was noticeably better than BC 0.37 N 0.15 and BC 0.19 N 0.44 . Overall, BC x N y barriers are promising and are improved with lower boron content, fewer B-B bonds, and increased B-C bonds.