Bipolar plate is one of the key parts in the fuel cell technology with the advantages of a higher electrical conductivity and mechanical properties are high. Injection molding is one of the manufacturing method that being used in the manufacture of bipolar plates. The critical powder loading and rheological properties of the feedstock are an important factor in the process of injection molding in the manufacturing process of bipolar plate. The critical powder loading feedstocks with a mixture of polypropylene and graphite have been conducted with the torque method test. The appropriate critical powder loading the using a graphite filler material was produced with the composition of 75 % the weight of an optimum load and 25 % weight of polypropylene. The rheological studies have also been carried out using capillary test for determining critical loading powder by increasing the viscosity of the feedstock. The test results showed that the rheological properties of the feedstock with optimum powder loading to exhibit pseudoplastic properties are suitable for injection molding process with the n less than one.Keywords: injection molding, polymer composite, bipolar plate, fuel cell Abstrak Plat dwikutub adalah salah satu bahagian utama pada teknologi sel bahanapi dengan kelebihan sifat kekonduksian elektrik dan mekanik yang tinggi. Pengacuan suntikan adalah salah satu kaedah pembuatan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan plat dwikutub. Pembebanan serbuk genting dan sifat reologi bahan suapan adalah faktor penting dalam proses pengacuan suntikan semasa proses pembuatan plat dwikutub. Pembebanan serbuk genting bahan suapan dengan campuran polipropilina dan grafit telah pun dijalankan dengan kaedah ujian nilai tork. Pembebanan serbuk genting yang sesuai menggunakan bahan suapan grafit telah dihasilkan dengan komposisi 75 % berat yang merupakan beban optimum dan 25 % berat polipropilena. Kajian reologi juga telah dijalankan menggunakan ujian rerambut bagi menentukan beban serbuk genting dengan peningkatan nilai kelikatan bahan suapan. Keputusan ujian sifat reologi didapati bahawa bahan suapan dengan beban serbuk optimal mempamerkan sifat pseudoplastik yang sesuai bagi proses pengacuanan suntikan dengan nilai n kurang daripada 1.Kata kunci: pengacuan suntikan, komposit polimer, plat dwikutub, sel bahanapi
Iswandi et al: CRITICAL POWDER LOADING AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYPROPYLENE/GRAPHITE COMPOSITE FEEDSTOCK FOR BIPOLAR PLATE APPLICATION 688Introduction Conductive polymer composite (CPC) materials generally comprise a mixture of polymers and conductive fillers, such as carbon-based and metallic fillers. Conductive materials contribute to the improvement of electrical and mechanical properties (e.g., critical load) of a material, particularly for carbon-based materials, such as graphite (G), carbon black (CB), carbon nanotubes, and carbon fiber (CF) [1 -3]. One of the applications of CPC is the bipolar plate, which requires high electrical conductivity for electron mobility. The properties of CPC materi...