The electrochemical properties of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3 ͑LSCF͒ have been assessed for its application as a cathode in intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. van der Pauw dc conductivity, two-electrode impedance, and three-electrode measurements were carried out to investigate the kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction at various temperatures, oxygen partial pressures, and polarization values. A change in cathode behavior at temperatures around 600°C was observed. This is interpreted in terms of LSCF behaving as a mixed ionic electronic conductor at temperatures above around 600°C, oxygen reduction being stimulated by the formation of oxygen vacancies with increasing cathode overpotential. However, at temperatures below 600°C the contribution of mixed conductivity is low, and cathode behavior can then be interpreted in terms of the classical triple-phaseboundary model.