Brain areas within the lateral parietal cortex (LPC) and ventral temporal cortex (VTC) have been shown to code for abstract quantity representations and for symbolic numerical representations, respectively. To explore the fast dynamics of activity within each region and the interaction between them, we used electrocorticography recordings from 16 neurosurgical subjects implanted with grids of electrodes over these two regions and tracked the activity within and between the regions as subjects performed three different numerical tasks. Although our results reconfirm the presence of math-selective hubs within the VTC and LPC, we report here a remarkable heterogeneity of neural responses within each region at both millimeter and millisecond scales. Moreover, we show that the heterogeneity of response profiles within each hub mirrors the distinct patterns of functional coupling between them. Our results support the existence of multiple bidirectional functional loops operating between discrete populations of neurons within the VTC and LPC during the visual processing of numerals and the performance of arithmetic functions. These findings reveal information about the dynamics of numerical processing in the brain and also provide insight into the fine-grained functional architecture and connectivity within the human brain.A lthough the ability to approximate or compare rough quantities is present even in human infants (1) and in other species such as nonhuman primates (2-4) and birds (5), the association of exact quantities with symbols (e.g., the numeral "10") or verbal representations (e.g., the word "ten") is unique to humans exposed to such culturally learned entities (6-8). Moreover, dissociable number-and quantity-related behavioral deficits (i.e., deficits relating to symbolic or verbal numerical representations versus abstract quantity representations) are associated with different lesion locations within the brain (9-14). These observations in part motivated the Triple Code model positing that the human brain contains three different numerical representations: symbolic, verbal, and abstract quantity, each coded in a different brain region (15,16). The model also predicts that, depending on task demands (e.g., simple visual recognition of a numeral versus determining the larger of two numerals versus verbal naming of a numeral), all or a subset of these brain regions interact with each other (15, 16).Neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and lesion studies in both humans and nonhuman primates have long implicated the parietal lobe, particularly the anterior segment of the intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), in abstract quantity representations irrespective of the modality of presentation (e.g., "4" vs. "four" vs. "::"), with specific neurons or neuronal populations exhibiting tuning around a preferred numerosity (4, 17-25). Moreover, brain activity within this region and its functional and anatomical connectivity with other brain regions are correlated with mathematical performance in individual subjects (26)(27)(28)(29),...