Natural systems frequently exploit intricate multiscale and multiphasic structures to achieve functionalities beyond those of man-made systems. Although understanding the chemical make-up of these systems is essential, the passive and active mechanics within biological systems are crucial when considering the many natural systems that achieve advanced properties, such as high strength-to-weight ratios and stimuli-responsive adaptability. Discovering how and why biological systems attain these desirable mechanical functionalities often reveals principles that inform new synthetic designs based on biological systems. Such approaches have traditionally found success in medical applications, and are now informing breakthroughs in diverse frontiers of science and engineering. N atural biological systems are constrained by a limited number of chemical building blocks, yet through practical material organization and mechanics 1 , fulfil the functional needs of diverse organisms by methods that often exceed what is currently achievable using man-made approaches 2 . Synthetic systems are often limited by trade-offs where improving one property comes at the expense of another, as observed when utilizing ceramics in place of metals where a higher elastic modulus is accompanied by lower fracture toughness. However, many natural systems and materials have evolved 3 solutions that result in a number of improved properties simultaneously (for example, high modulus with high fracture toughness), and often produce systems that fulfil multiple functions concurrently. For example, stomatopod dactyl clubs 4 tolerate exceptional amounts of damage through multiphasic material interfaces, and efficient blood-clotting mechanisms are achieved through platelet shape adaptability 5 . These intricate mechanics phenomena, relating material organization and adaptability, are implemented in a structurally minimalistic fashion that is difficult to emulate through artificial manufacturing approaches 6 . Such mechanical functions (that is, mechanofunctionality) of biological systems are not isolated cases-multiscale structural organization also contributes to the hardness of nacre 7 and toughness of toucan beaks 8 , while shape changing commonly drives behaviour in many sea creatures 9 and plants 10 . As such recurrent, mechanically based organizational features throughout biology are discovered and analysed, they provide insight for building exceptional mechanofunctionalities into synthetic, bio-inspired technologies.The survival of organisms is often heightened by structures and materials with favourable properties (for example, load-bearing capacity) or mechanofunctionalities that are passive