For decades, it has been observed that the commonly used Borgnakke–Larsen method for energy redistribution in Direct Simulation Monte Carlo codes fails to satisfy the principle of detailed balance when coupled to a wide variety of temperature dependent relaxation models, while seemingly satisfying detailed balance when coupled to others. Many attempts have been made to remedy the issue, yet much ambiguity remains, and no consensus appears in the literature regarding the root cause of the intermittent compatibility of the Borgnakke–Larsen method with temperature dependent relaxation models. This paper alleviates that ambiguity by presenting a rigorous theoretical derivation of the Borgnakke–Larsen method's requirement for satisfying detailed balance. Specifically, it is shown that the Borgnakke–Larsen method maintains detailed balance if and only if the probability of internal-energy exchange during a collision depends only on collision invariants (e.g., total energy). The consequences of this result are explored in the context of several published definitions of relaxation temperature, including translational, total, and cell-averaged temperatures. Of particular note, it is shown that cell-averaged temperatures, which have been widely discussed in the literature as a way to ensure equilibrium is reached, also fail in a similar, although less dramatic, fashion when the aforementioned relationship is not enforced. The developed theory can be used when implementing existing or new relaxation models and will ensure that detailed balance is satisfied.