This letter presents a microwave planar lens illuminated by a radially corrugated horn antenna. The lens is formed by a set of 5×5 multilevel unit cells working as a frequency selective surface. Each layer of the unit cells is formed by a square metallic ring with two sets of orthogonal stubs. The length of each set of stubs controls the transmission phase shift for each polarization, so that the lens can be configured independently for two orthogonal polarizations. The lens presented in this letter makes use of this operation to compensate the phase profile of the radiation pattern generated by the feeder. A prototype, with the lens located at 0.59
λ from the feeder, has been fabricated. Measured results show a maximum gain above 14.44 dBi within the operating frequency band (12.55‐13.10 GHz), and a crosspolar level below −32 dB within the HPBW.