A bstraetAlthough wme calculations \\ill be specialized for toroidal systems, some conclusions will be valid independent of the coordinnte system. The manuscript contains 1. ii proof thnt on the hnris of a solution of JInxwell's equations n solution of curl B = const B may be found, 2. i i method to transform the vector Helmholtz eqiicition into i l scalar one, 3. three solutions of the scalar Helmholtz eqiiation, of Yaxwell's equntions m d of curl B = const B in qunsi-toroidal coordinutes. 1. a method to construct solutions of curl L#xn = 4rr'Cp on the btisis of solutions of curl H = const B (including two special solutions and H derivation of the toroidnl SH.\PR.ISOV equntion).