Polarization of electric double layers of colloidal rods due to an external alternating electric field is found to give rise to several phase/state transitions. Various phases and states are observed depending on the frequency and amplitude of the external electric field: (i) non-chiral nematic domains (N -domains) in coexistence with an isotropic phase,(ii) a chiral-nematic phase in the presence of the N -domains, (iii) a chiral nematic phase, where now the N -domains are smaller and disconnected, and (iv) dynamic states where the chiral nematic is melted, in the presence of disappearing and forming N -domains.Beyond a critical frequency (in the kHz range) the only stable state is the isotropic state.The phase/state diagram in the field-amplitude versus frequency plane is determined by means of polarization microscopy. In selected parts of the phase diagram, dynamic light scattering, electric birefringence and chiral-pitch measurements are performed to elucidate the nature of transition lines.PACS numbers 47.20.Hw,82.70.Dd