Firstly, I would like to thank Nanyang Technological University (NTU) for awarding me with a Research Scholarship and for their financial support to attend an overseas conference.My utmost gratitude also extends to my supervisor, Prof. Richard D. Webster, for his continuous support and guidance throughout my graduate studies and during the preparation of this thesis.My PhD was definitely also made an extremely enriching experience because of the countless opportunities provided by Prof. Webster to explore and learn many new and interesting concepts within the field of electrochemistry.I would like to acknowledge my previous mentor, Prof. M. Senthilkumar, for bringing so much fun and laughter during my undergraduate days, and for giving his invaluable advice and encouragement to pursue a PhD.My sincere appreciation is also conveyed to Dr. S. A. Pullarkat and Prof. D. Vidovic for imparting to me essential laboratory skills when I was an undergraduate student, and at the same time introducing me to the world of scientific research which also piqued my interest in it.Many thanks to my fellow lab mates