Rohypnol is the common name for a drug called Flunitrazepam, the slang term used is roofies. Rohypnol is believed to be most commonly used drug in commission of drug assisted Sexual assaults in the United States, the United Kingdom, and throughout Europe, Asia and South America and very popular in clubs and rave parties. This drug being colourless, odourless and flavourless is simply slipped in a drink, or mixed in any food supplement without being suspected and is used to robe, rape or harm people therefore infamously called as Date rape drugs. It is a strong hypnotic, a sedative ; an anticonvulsant; an anxiolytic ; an amnestic ; and skeletal muscle relaxant. Present paper concisely states about the effects of such drugs, scenarios, attempts to explore various analytical methods available & challenges regarding its analysis posed before the toxicologist and law enforcing authorities. This communication has been sourced from scientific literature available in electronic databases and traditional literature available.Citation: Jain P, Kanwal NK. A contemporary facet on rohypnol: a date rape drug.