individuals without cardiac risk factors of atherosclerosis. The proposed mechanisms for these adverse cardiac events caused by MB presence including systolic compression, spasm, plaque and premature atherosclerosis development proximal and distal to the bridge and endothelial dysfunction [1,3].It has been postulated that the anatomic characteristics of MB such as site, depth length and volume index (MB depth multiplied by MB length) may be related to coronary ischemia and the occurrence of adverse cardiac events even in patients exhibit no considerable coronary atherosclerosis. However, it is still not clear how the MB anatomical characteristics modulate the occurrence of adverse events or interfere with therapeutic strategies [4,5].Recently, a new emerging ECG markers, in particular Transmural Dispersion of Repolarization (TDR), defined by the T Peakto-End (Tp-e) interval and Tp-e/QT, and Index of Cardiac Electrophysiological Balance (iCEB), defined by QT/QRS, and notching of QRS are reported to be accepted markers of increased