The effects of a coating of silica particles on the localized corrosion behavior of AISI 304 stainless steel (304SS) during drying of thin electrolyte layers in controlled relative humidity environments were investigated by measurements of the transients of open-circuit potential (OCP) and galvanic current. The silica coatings were composed of spherical silica particles and were deposited on 304SS by cathodic electrophoretic deposition. It was confirmed that the silica layer worked very well as a host layer to soak up electrolyte solutions and that it remained intact under wet and dry conditions. OCP and galvanic current transients indicated that the silica layer affected propagation more than initiation of pitting corrosion. The propagation of pitting corrosion for silica-coated samples was slower than for uncoated 304SS.Corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs) covered with rock-dust particulate containing soluble salts and exposed to a hot humid environment might suffer from localized corrosion.
1Deliquescence of salts in this particulate layer upon exposure to the high-humidity environment can result in the formation of a thin electrolyte layer, and the particulate layer might act as a crevice former to cause crevice corrosion. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate localized corrosion behavior of CRAs under thin layers of electrolyte-containing particulate.We have employed electrophoretic deposition (EPD) to create a silica coating on stainless steel, which can simulate rock dust.2 It is well known that EPD is a very useful technique to deposit layers of ceramic particles on metal surfaces with thickness on the order of micrometers to millimeters. [3][4][5] Furthermore, because the thickness of the ceramic layers can be controlled easily by changing applied voltage or deposition time, EPD can be utilized to create simulated particulate layers on CRAs in a reproducible and controllable fashion. In a previous study, 2 the formation of silica layers on 304SS by cathodic EPD was described and the effects of the silica layer on localized corrosion behavior in a stagnant bulk solution were investigated. It was concluded that the EPD silica layers did not affect the anodic reactions; passive current densities and breakdown potentials were not dependent on the presence or thickness of the silica coating. The silica coatings did affect the cathodic process; the limiting current density due to the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) decreased with increasing silica layer thickness. However, the electrochemical behavior of the silica-coated 304SS was only studied in bulk solutions and not in an atmospheric corrosion environment.The purpose of this study is to investigate localized corrosion behavior of silica-coated 304SS under atmospheric corrosion conditions and to clarify the effect of the silica layer on