The Randles-Sevčik relationship has been applied to evaluate atomic hydrogen diffusivity in massive LaNi 5 intermetallic compound. The electrode was cathodically hydrogenated in 6 M KOH solution (22°C), and then voltammetry measurements were carried out at various, very slow potential scan rates (υ =0.01-0.1 mV·s
−1). At potentials more noble than the equilibrium potential of the H 2 O/H 2 system, the anodic peaks were registered as a consequence of oxidation of hydrogen absorbed in cathodic range. The peak potentials linearly increase with the logarithm of the scan rate with a slope of 0.059 V. The slope testifies to a symmetric charge transfer process with symmetry factor α =½. The peak currents linearly increase with the square root of the potential scan rate, and the straight line runs through the origin of the coordinate system. The slope of the I a (peak) =f(υ 1/2 ) straight line is a measure of the atomic hydrogen diffusion coefficient. Assuming the hydrogen concentration in the LaNi 5 material after cathodic exposure to be C 0,H =0.071 mol·cm −3 (63 % of theoretical value), the hydrogen diffusion coefficient equals D H =2.0· 10 −9 cm 2 s −1. Extrapolation of rectilinear segments of potentiodynamic polarization curves with Tafel slopes of 0.12 V and linear polarization dependencies from voltammetry tests allowed the exchange current densities of the H 2 O/H 2 system on the tested material to be determined. The exchange current densities on initially hydrogenated LaNi 5 alloy are close to 1 mA·cm −2