1IntroductionSince 1990, deoxyribonucleica cid (DNA) has been utilized as biorecognition element in the assembly of electrochemical biosensors.T he interest to DNAa satarget and tool of biochemical assayi sr elated to critical importance of this biomolecule in the storage and transfero f genetici nformation [1,2].T he investigation of molecular recognition with participation of DNAi sd emanded in molecular biology,t oxicology,m edicine,p harmacy and many other areas of research activity considering human health problems.I na ddition to detection of DNAÀana-lyte interactionsi ncluding genetic polymorphism,h ybridization events etc.,t he DNAd amage,w hich potentially results in many diseases like cancer, is recentlyi nt he focus of many research efforts [3,4].D ifferentt ypes of the DNAd amage induced by reactiveo xygen species [5], UV exposure[ 6],a nd mutagenic species [7][8][9] were successfully detectedbyb iosensor approaches.Fast screening of DNAd amage is vital for understanding the mechanisms and establishing necessary preventive measures.T he electrophoresis mainly applied for detection of the DNAs trand breaks [10] is rather sensitiveb ut cannot be used in field conditions. Electrochemical DNAbased biosensors are portable devices integrating DNAa s biorecognitionelementand an electrode as physicochemical transducer [ 11].T he progress in detection of the DNAd amage by biosensors is caused by undisputed advantages that involves imple design and measurement protocol, sufficient sensitivity,c ompatibility with conventional electrochemical equipment and analogy to real redox-processes that take place in living cells under oxidative stress.I ts hould be also mentioned that many of the protocols of the DNAd amage detection are applied for the estimationo fp rotecting effecte xerted by antioxidants.A ssessment of the antioxidant activity is required in agriculture and food quality analysis [6,[12][13][14].Electrochemical detection of the oxidativeD NA damage is mainly based on recording signals referred to selected nucleic basesa nd productso ft heir transformation [15][16][17][18]. Thus,t he accessibility of guaninef or direct oxidation on the electrode increased withD NA helix distortion. Fort he samer eason, increased peak of guanine oxidation is often followed by appearance of the peak of biomarker of its oxidation, 8-oxo-guanine [19].G uanine oxidation can be promoted by redox mediators either directly or via formation of oxygen radical species.T his acceleratest he DNAo xidationi nt he presence of dissolved oxygen as as ource for catalytic formationo fs uperoxide anionr adical. Such reactionsw ere describedf or bipyridyl [20][21][22] and phenanthroline [23][24][25] complexes of Ru, Co and some other transient metals.C hanges in the DNA structurec ausedb yi ts damage influence the intercalation of redox active species,e .g.,M ethyleneb lue thatc hanges Abstract:N ovele lectrochemical DNA-sensor based on glassy carbon electrode( GCE) modified with Ag nanoparticles,N eutral red covalently attached to its surfa...