1IntroductionAmperometrical biosensors based on enzymes were introduced by Clark and Lyons in 1962. Since this timeu pt o the present, biosensors have faced am assive growth in usage for various applications [1].E lectrochemical enzyme biosensors are one of the manyt ypes of biosensors which are constitutedb yi mmobilized enzyme as ab iological recognition element and an electrochemical transducer which converts the analytical signal produced as ar esult of the biochemical and electrochemical interactionsi nto measurable electricals ignal [2].A lthough, using enzymes has somed isadvantages such as high price of some enzymes,r elatively short operation lifetime, or negative effecto fp resent of inhibitors,t he immobilized enzymes provide one very important advantage -depending on enzymes specific, they have ability to recognize monitored analyte or group of analytes (substrates) with high selectivity and catalyze their transformation. These unique properties make the enzymes powerfult ools to developa nalytical devices [2][3][4][5].Besides the enzyme,t he main part of electrochemical biosensor is an electrochemical transducer -a ne lectrode (detector). Nowadays,l iterature quotes various kinds of electrode materials such gold,b oron doped diamond or different types of carbon [6][7][8][9][10].N evertheless, in most cases they are more suitable and used in positive region of potentials.T he offer of electrodes suitable for measurement at negativep otential is much smaller. Probably the best material proves to be mercury due to high hydrogen overvoltage.U nfortunately,aliquid state of mercury causes problems with mechanical stability of mercury drop what meanst hat prepared biosensor will be also mechanically unstable.I ts hows especially when such biosensor is used in flow system. Ag ood solution is substitution of mercury with silver solid amalgam( AgSA).T he electrode of silver solida malgam( AgSAE)c ould be simply prepared of the necessary shape and size,a nd depending on the preparation technique and on the ratio of metal to mercury, the final electrode material could be solid [11][12][13][14] [20].A tt he same time,A gSAEs allows to work in aqueouss olutions up to À2V .T here are manyp ublished works and reviewsw hich are demonstrating the use of AgSAEs in both batch and flow systems[ 21-24] for determinations of variety of reducing compounds in environmental and pharmaceuticala nalysis.I no ur previous works,w ed escribed preparation and successfula pplication of two types of enzymatic biosensors based on AgSA. Them ain concept of these biosensors consists in use of two parts -aflow reactor [ 18,25] where the enzymatic reactiont akes place,a nd at ubularf low detector [23] where increasing or decreasing the concentration for somec omponent of this enzymatic reaction is measured. Both the reactor and the detector are based on AgSA but of different types.W hile tubular detectori sm adef rom compacts mootha malgam, the consistence of AgSA of the reactor is porous or powdered. It demonstrates wide possibilities of...