IntroductionAccumulators, electrochemical capacitors (ECs) (or supercapacitors), and capacitors are the three main electrochemical systems that can be used to store energy. As described in the so-called Ragone plot shown in Figure 4.1, each of these systems offers different characteristics in terms of specific power and energy. From a general point of view, accumulators, and more precisely Li-ion batteries, can store high energy densities (up to 180 Wh kg −1 for commercial products) with low-power densities (up to about 2 kW kg −1 ). Electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) can deliver very high-power density (15 kW kg −1 ) with lower stored energy (5 Wh kg −1 ) than that of batteries.EDLCs can be applied in the case of stationary and mobile systems requiring highpower pulses: car acceleration, tramways, cranes, forklifts, emergency systems, and so on. Moreover, owing to their low time constant, they can quickly harvest energy, for example, during deceleration or braking of vehicles.Although EDLCs are able to provide high power with a long cycle life compared to accumulators, they suffer from a relatively low energy density. Therefore, the main ongoing research direction concerns the optimization of the existing electrode materials and the development of new materials.Industrial EDLCs are essentially based on nanoporous carbon electrodes. The reasons for this choice lie in the high availability, low cost, chemical inertness, and good electrical conductivity of activated carbons (ACs), as well as a high versatility of texture and surface functionality. For these reasons, this chapter presents the capacitance properties of carbon-based electrodes, showing optimization strategies playing on the structure/nanotexture of the carbon and on the nature of the electrolyte.