[a] 1IntroductionThei ncreasing needs of personalized therapies have recently stimulated impressive advances in research and development of portable point-of-care biosensors for realtime monitoring as well as biosensors for drug development [1,2].Enzymatic amperometric biosensors based on the enzyme family cytochrome P450 (CYP) have drawn increasing attention because CYP is am onooxygenase enzyme primarily involved in the metabolism of bioactive metabolites and hydrophobic xenobiotics such as drugs, environmental pollutants and steroids [3].T he 3D structure of the enzyme is illustrated in Scheme 1A.CYP catalyses the monooxygenase reaction, atwo-electron reaction where the electrocatalytic transformation of as ubstrate is coupled to the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen, according to the general equation:As ubstrate (RH) is hydroxylated (ROH) through the insertion of one oxygen atom into the substrate,w hile the second atom of oxygen is reduced to water [4].T he two electrons necessary for the monooxygenation are provided by the redox reaction of the heme group in the active site of the CYP (Scheme 1A), which is in-vivo activated through electron transfer from its redox partners:t wo electrons derived from NAD(P)H are transferred to the CYP active site via the electron transport protein, cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) [6].T he direct immobilization of CYP on an electrode overcomes the need for NAD(P)H and CPR, as the electrons needed for the redox reaction of the heme group are directly supplied by the electrode [4,5,7,8].Another approach is the electrode functionalization with microsomes containing both CYP and CPR (msCYPs). msCYPs are commonly used in the industry for drug development [2].A sr eported in [2,7,9],t he discovery that microsomes are as effective as recombinant CYPs in enabling direct electrochemistry on electrodes promoted an increasing interest in biosensors based on microsomes-CYP,a st he production of microsomes is cheaper than recombinant CYPs.I naprevious study [9] msCYPs were immobilized on ap olycation-coated electrode and the authors proved that the direct electron transfer occurred according to the natural electron transfer path (electrode!CPR!CYP). Moreover, am ore recent work [10] proved that, in presence of as ubstrate, the amount of metabolite formation in the microsomes containing the reductase was almostd ouble respect to what obtained with CYP alone.T he authors concluded that the electron transfer from the electrode to the CPR and then to the CYP is am ore efficient pathway than the direct electron supply to the CYP.I nt his work the authors also showed that ah ydrophobic electrode surface facilitates the immobilization of msCYP,b ecause of the presence of hydrophobic regions in the surface structure of CYP,C PR and the lipids that compose the microsome.With cyclic voltammetry (CV) or other electro-analytical techniques,i ti sp ossible to apply ap otential to the immobilized CYP and record the current that is produced. This current can be attributed to the reduction of Ab...