“…This has been shown (Urban et al, 2004b) to be the case for wires of conductance between a few and about a hundred conductance quanta for monovalent metals. Such nanowires with lengths below or around a few nanometers have been fabricated using various techniques, including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM, Agraït et al, 1993, Rubio et al, 1996, MCBJ (Yanson et al, 1998(Yanson et al, , 1999, thin-film transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Takayanagi, 1997, 2000), electromigration (Strachan et al, 2005), and electrochemical fabrication (He et al, 2002b). Nanowires with diameters less than a nanometer have been observed using TEM by Kondo and Takayanagi (1997) to be stable under low electron beam intensities for the duration of observation.…”