The relationship between the structures of reduced, protonated diiron compounds relevant to the diiron subsite of the Fe-hydrogenase H cluster, [2Fe] H , and the rate of electrocatalytic proton reduction is explored by a combination of experimental and computational approaches. Analysis of the X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) of the two-electron, twoproton product of [Fe(CO) 3 ] 2 (μ-PPh 2 ) 2 (DP) shows distortions of the primary coordination environment of the Fe centre that result from the trans influence of the terminally bound hydrido ligand. The difference in Fe-C(O) bond lengths for the CO groups cis and trans to the hydrido ligand is similarly predicted by density functional theory, although there is relatively poor agreement between the magnitude of the difference obtained by XAFS and DFT methods. The calculated energies of the cis and trans stereoisomers of DP-H 2 with both hydrido ligands normal to the FeP2 plane (axial:axial)