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Citation (APA):Graves, C. R., Chatzichristodoulou, C., & Mogensen, M. B. (2015). Kinetics of CO/CO2 and H2/H2O reactions at Ni-based and ceria-based solid-oxide-cell electrodes. Faraday Discussions, 182, Comparing model and porous Ni-SZ electrodes, the ratio of electrode polarization resistance in CO/CO 2 vs. H 2 /H 2 O decreases from 33 to 2. Experiments and modelling suggest that the ratio decreases due to a lower concentration of impurities blocking the three phase boundary and due to the nature of the reaction zone extension into the porous electrode thickness. Besides showing higher activity for H 2 /H 2 O reactions than CO/CO 2 reactions, the Ni/SZ interface is more active for oxidation than reduction. On the other hand, we find the opposite behaviour in both cases for CGOn/STN model electrodes, reporting for the first time a higher electrocatalytic activity of CGO nanoparticles for CO/CO 2 than for H 2 /H 2 O reactions in the absence of gas diffusion limitations. We propose that enhanced surface reduction at the CGOn/gas two phase boundary in CO/CO 2 and in cathodic polarization can explain why the highest reaction rate is obtained for CO 2 electrolysis. For all materials investigated, large differences