In this paper we describe interactions between neural cells and the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) toward development of electrically conductive biomaterials intended for direct, functional contact with electrically-active tissues such as the nervous system, heart, and skeletal muscle. We introduce a process for polymerizing PEDOT around living cells and describe a neural cell-templated conducting polymer coating for microelectrodes and a hybrid conducting polymer-live neural cell electrode. We found that neural cells could be exposed to working concentrations (0.01 M) of the EDOT monomer for as long as 72 hours while maintaining 80% cell viability. PEDOT could be electrochemically deposited around neurons cultured on electrodes using 0.5-1 ÎŒA/mm 2 galvanostatic current. PEDOT polymerized on the electrode and surrounded the cells, covering cell processes. The polymerization was impeded in regions where cells were well-adhered to the substrate. The cells could be removed from the PEDOT matrix to generate a neural cell-templated biomimetic conductive substrate with cell-shaped features that were cell-attracting. Live cells embedded within the conductive polymer matrix remained viable for at least 120 hours following polymerization. Dying cells primarily underwent apoptotic cell death. PEDOT, PEDOT+live neurons, and neuron-templated PEDOT coatings on electrodes significantly enhanced the electrical properties as compared to the bare electrode as indicated by decreased electrical impedance of 1-1.5 orders of magnitude at 0.01-1 kHz and significantly increased charge transfer capacity. PEDOT coatings showed a decrease of the phase angle of the impedance from roughly 80 degrees for the bare electrode to 5-35 degrees at frequencies >0.1 kHz. Equivalent circuit modeling indicated that PEDOT-coated electrodes were best described by R(C(RT)) circuit. We found that an RC parallel circuit must be added to the model for PEDOT+live neuron and neurontemplated PEDOT coatings.