chnology.S he received her bachelor's degree from Jining university,P .R. China. Her research focuses on the electrocatalytic NH 3 synthesis at ambient conditions. Dr.T ingli Ma received her Ph.D. degree in 1999 from Department of Chemistry,F aculty of Science of Kyushu University,J apan. She then joined the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Te chnology (AIST,J apan) as aP ostdoctoral Researcher from 1999 to 2004. She worked as ap rofessor at the Dalian University of Te chnology from 2007-2018. She is working at the Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering Kyushu Institute of Technology,J apan and China Jiliang University.S he leads research teams studying inorganic and organic solar cells, such as dye-sensitized and perovskite solar cells, and other related projects including development of catalysts, hydrogen production, functional dyes, and nano-sized semiconducting materials. Dr.M ah as published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Figure 1. Schemeo fe lectrochemicalcell for NH 3 production by electrocatalytic NRR. [30] Published with permission. CopyrightE lsevier,2 018.