We form self‐assembled monolayer (SAM) of fluoro‐carbon chain (C−F_SAM) or hydro‐carbon chain (C−H_SAM) to compare their interaction with surfactants containing C−F chains (PFOA, PFOS) or C−H chains (linear alkylbenzene sulphonate, LAS). We observe that the interaction between the C−F_SAM and the C−F chain is much stronger than that between the C−H_SAM and the C−H/C−F chain, and also stronger than that between the C−F_SAM and the C−H chain. The reason is due to the unique fluorophilic interaction among the C−F chains, which is similar with and thus confirm the mechanism for F‐extraction. This unique interaction among the C−F chains might shine new light on the development of fluorosurfactant's sensor and remediation.