ABSTRACT:Polyaniline(PANI) was prepared by adding three different quaternary ammonium salts to H 2 SO 4 electrolyte and the effect of the cations on the electrochemical degradation of PANI film was researched. The electropolymerized films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, UV-vis spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that quaternary cations hindered gradually the polymerization of aniline with increase of the size, which made the porosity of the film smaller and the morphology more compact compared with pure PANI films. Although the cations didn't change the electrode reactive process of PANI, they affected the oxidation velocity of the films and the degradation rate of PANI in the following order: PANI is considered to be the most promising conducting polymers due to its high electrical conductivity, excellent environmental stability, low-cost and easy preparation.1 The electrochemical stability of PANI and related materials is of great importance for their possible use in various electrochemical systems and devices, such as rechargeable batteries, electrochromic displays and sensors, etc.2-6 Therefore, much attention has been paid to study the stability and degradation of PANI.Up to now, discussing the effect of the nature and size of cations on PANI films is very significant for the preparation of PANI with good properties and extensive applications and many papers about simple inorganic cations have been reported. Min et al.7 synthesized PANI with high molecular weight by the technique of adding inorganic salts. Boroleet et al. ) and found that the conductivity of the films was increased. He et al.9 found that alkaline metal cations obviously accelerated the growth rate of PANI films in the following order:þ by employing ellipsometry and electrochemical methods. Giovani et al.10 also prepared PANI films in aniline solution containing different alkaline metal cations and found that the variation of the scan rate for only the first cycle affected the morphology, and therefore the electrical properties of PANI films grown potentiodynamically. However, only scarce information was available in the effect of quaternary cations on properties of PANI. The present work showed that quaternary cations hindered the degradation of the films, and the trends increased with the augment of the cations.In this paper we discussed the polymerization of aniline in H 2 SO 4 solution containing different quaternary cations (and the effect of cations on the degradation of PANI films in H 2 SO 4 in detail by UV-vis absorption spectra and cyclic voltammetry. EXPERIMENTAL All chemicals (aniline, H 2 SO 4 , Me 4 NBr, Et 4 NBr, Bu 4 NBr) were of AR grade and used without further purification. Doubly distilled water was employed to prepare all solutions. The electrochemical synthesis and characterization of PANI were carried out at room temperature in a standard three-electrode cell. The cell consisted of a platinum (Pt) wire (ca. 5 mm length and 0.5 mm diameter) or glassy carbon (GC) (ca. 3.0 mm diamete...