Increasing evidence suggests cortical involvement in the control of human gait.However, the nature of corticospinal interactions remains poorly understood. We investigated time-frequency analysis of electrophysiological activity acquired during treadmill and overground walking in 22 healthy, young adults. Participants walked at their preferred speed (4.2, SD 0.4 km h -1 ), which was matched across both gait conditions. Corticomuscular coherence (CMC) was assessed between EEG from bilateral sensorimotor cortices and EMG from the contralateral tibialis anterior (TA) muscle. Cortical power and CMC at theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequencies (4-45 Hz Hz) increased during the double support phase of the gait cycle for both overground and treadmill walking. High beta (21-30 Hz) CMC and theta (4-7 Hz) power was significantly increased during overground compared to treadmill walking. The phase spectra revealed positive time lags from EEG to EMG at alpha, beta and gamma frequencies, indicating that corticospinal interactions were governed by efferent activity. Phasic modulation of synchronization indicates that cortical control of human gait is not continuous but confined to the double support phase of the gait cycle.Frequency-band dependent differences in cortical and corticospinal synchronization between overground and treadmill walking suggest altered neural control for the two gait modalities, emphasizing the task-dependent nature of corticospinal processes during walking in humans.peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Aug. 18, 2017; 3
New & NoteworthyWe investigated corticospinal dynamics during overground and treadmill walking in healthy adults. Corticospinal interactions at alpha, beta and gamma frequencies were of efferent nature and confined to the double support phase of the gait cycle. At high-beta frequencies corticospinal interactions were enhanced during overground compared to treadmill walking. These findings identify neurophysiological mechanisms that are important for understanding cortical control of human gait in health and disease.