Organic semiconductors have evolved as a major class of plausible candidates for achieving low-cost, flexible, and highefficiency electric devices. In order to shed light on the intrinsic nature of charge-carrier transport in these materials, single-crystal rubrene, a tetraphenyl derivative of tetracene shown in Figure 1(a-b), is one of the most-appropriate benchmarks, due to the elimination of grain boundaries and minimization of charge-trapping sites. High hole mobility as high as 43 cm 2 V À1 s À1 measured by field-effect transistors (FET) has been reported. [1][2][3] By altering the metal work function of the electrodes, [4,5] Although numerous studies of rubrene single crystals using FET devices have been performed, a complete picture of the dynamics of the charge carriers has not been produced to date. To provide an insight into the optoelectronic properties of single-crystal rubrene, we investigated the charge-carrier dynamics and mobility by a combination of flash-photolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) and transient optical spectroscopy (TOS) techniques. [6,7] The former technique can predict the nanometer-scale mobility of charge carriers generated by a laser pulse under a low-power oscillating microwave electric field without an electrode attached, [8][9][10] so that it offers a measurement of the transient conductivity excluding metal-organic contact issues, reduction of charge-trapping effects, and anti-disturbance of the thermal motion of the charge carriers. The TOS experiment provides the transient photo-absorption (PA) spectrum/kinetics and the emission spectrum, of which the dependence of the incident photon density is compared with the TRMC results to discuss the intrinsic mobility of the charge carriers and the dynamics of the excitons and the charge carriers. We also demonstrate the anisotropic mobility in single-crystal rubrene by utilizing the fixed direction of the microwave electric field in a resonant cavity.[11-13] Figure 1c shows the transient PA spectrum together with the steady-state PA and emission spectra of single-crystal rubrene. The distinct peaks of the steady-state PA lie at 510, 480, and 450 nm, and are shifted towards shorter wavelength by about 15 nm with respect to those of isolated rubrene molecules in solution (Fig. S1). [14][15][16] The emission maximum is located at 630 nm which also shows a red-shift of about 60 nm relative to solution. This is suggestive of an excitonic state via the strong intermolecular interactions in crystalline rubrene as reported in the literature. [15] The transient PA spectrumshows a broad feature from the visible to the near-infrared region with two distinct peaks (835 and 895 nm). In order to assess the PA spectra of a radical cation (Ru · , hole) and a radical anion (Ru À , one excess electron) of rubrene molecules and their extinction coefficients (e), we performed a nanosecond electron-beam pulse radiolysis utilizing pyrene and biphenyl as mediators of electrons or holes, respectively ( Fig. S2-S6). [14] The results indic...