Extrapolation of world energy consumption from 1990 to 2008 will result in the complete exhaustion of world reserves of oil, natural gas, uranium and coal until 2040, 2046, 2048 and 2054, respectively. For the survival of all people in the whole world, intermittent and fluctuating electricity generated from renewable energy should be supplied in the form of usable fuel to all people in the whole world. We are proposing global carbon dioxide recycling. Electricity generated from renewable energy will be converted to hydrogen by seawater electrolysis. Hydrogen, for which no infrastructures of transportation and combustion exist, will be converted to methane by the reaction with carbon dioxide captured from chimney. We created energy-saving cathodes for hydrogen production, anodes for oxygen evolution without chlorine formation in seawater electrolysis and catalysts for methanation of carbon dioxide, and built the pilot plants of industrial scale. The practical application is in progress.