The recent emphasis on seawater dedlnrtbn had led to studies on aluminum and its alloys as a candidate material for plant construction. A l d u m alloys having low copper and zinc contenta h8ve 8 h g hbtory of successful seawater service in wrought, extruded, and cast forms. The economics of a l d r u n construction are very favorable, b a d on initial met, m.intenmce nee&, and replacement costs.At operating temperatures (260°F) tests have &own aluminum d o y s h8ving 1 to 3 TO mqpesirun content perform in an e x d e n t manner. Galvanic cormdon from contact of aluminum with less active metab such as steels, copper, and do 011 can be e l h h t e d by IW of all-aluminum matetiah or by iarpl.tion between the dissimilar metals.