“…In addition the technology can be used to recycle municipal and industrial wastewater (Broens et al,. 2004;Chao & Liang, 2008), recovering reverse osmosis reject (Reahl, 1990;Korngold, 2009), desalting wells (Harries et al, 1991), surface waters (Lozier et al 1992), final effluent treatment for reuse in cooling towers (De barros, 2008), whey and soy purification (MEGA a.s.,2010), table salt production (Kawahara, 1994) and many other industrial uses (Schoeman & Stein, 2000;Dalla Costa et al, 2002;Pilat, 2003). For this kind of applications, this technology had shown best hydraulic recovery and cost effective in front of other membrane technologies, specially compared with Reversal Osmosis (RO).…”