Tuning of hydrophobicity, water uptake, and size of the ion channel is very crucial for the monovalent anion-selective membrane (MASM) preparation. In this work, we report the preparation of MASM from the crosslinked polyacrylonitrile-co-polyvinylimidazole (PAN-co-PVI) copolymer. The copolymer was in situ quaternized and cross-linked using the polyacrylonitrileco-polychloromethylstyrene (PAN-co-PCMSt) copolymer as cross-linker. The benzyl chloride moiety (Ar-CH 2 Cl) of PAN-co-PCMSt reacts with imidazolium nitrogen of PAN-co-PVI and provides a positive charge on the membrane matrix, whereas the PAN moiety provides greater compatibility with the PAN-co-PVI copolymer matrix. The faster cross-linking without external prealkylation forms a strong network structure with a low ionic charge on the membrane surface. Judicious extent of prealkylation followed by crosslinking forms a controlled network structure and small-sized ionic channel with moderate water uptake and good mechanical stability. The representative AEM0Q and AEM17Q membranes with 0 and 17% prealkylation exhibited a permselectivity (P SOd 4 2− Cld − ) value of 4.39 and 15.40, respectively, during the separation of 0.01 M NaCl + 0.01 M Na 2 SO 4 by electrodialysis. Upon further increase of prealkylation to 27 and 32%, the water uptake of the membrane increased, which in turn allowed the passage of SO 4 2− along with Cl − and decreased the P SOd 4 2− Cld − value to 4.12 and 2.45, respectively. Similar trends were observed during the separation of NaCl + MgSO 4 , MgCl 2 + Na 2 SO 4 , and MgCl 2 + MgSO 4 mixtures of each 0.01 M concentration.