The phononless hopping conductivity of a disordered system with localized states is studied in a broad range of frequencies by straightforward computer simulations taking into account Coulomb interactions. At sufficiently low temperatures, the conductivity is determined by the zero-phonon absorption of the photon by pairs of states. The laser frequency dependence of the conductivity is examined and compared with the analytical model of Efros and Shklovskii and with recent experimental data obtained on Si:P. The range of parameters is determined, for which the conductivity dependence on photon energy best reproduces the experimental results.
IntroductionRecently Helgren et al. [1] and Lee et al. [2,3] studied the frequency-dependent conductivity of Si:P at low temperature. The results were interpreted as indication for phononless hopping in the electron glass regime. (The properties of the electron glass were reviewed, for instance, in Ref. [4].) The experimental data show a transition from linear to a quadratic dependence of the conductivity with increasing photon energy (laser frequency), which is interpreted by the authors as a transition from Coulomb glass behavior determined by the long range Coulomb interactions, to Fermi glass behavior, in which these interactions are less important. This crossover was predicted already in the early 80's by Efros and Shklovskii (ES) [5,6]. For photon energies larger than the mean Coulomb interaction energy of the pairs, the ES theory reproduces the quadric Mott-like frequency dependence of the conductivity [7]. The crossover visible in Helgren's experiment is even stronger than predicted by ES theory. Also other experiments performed recently (for references see [2]) show that the ES theory though being qualitatively correct needs some quantitative improvements. The aim of this paper is to check if it is possible to reproduce the results of the above-mentioned experiments in computer simulations of the Coulomb glass system, which does not suffer from approximations necessary in the analytical description.