In a forthcoming paper, the author has previously described the EEG recorded from the Wulst of adult hens during wakefulness and sleep. For the purpose of comparison with normal EEGs, abnormal electrical activities are recorded from the same site (the Wulst) of adult hens under curarized and light anesthetic conditions, respectively. "Spontaneous" paroxysmal discharges, including the spike and wave complexes, are observed on the Wulst during extremely light anesthesia. Strychnine and penicillin spikes were found to occur on the Wulst. Spreading EEG depression can be readily induced by application of mechanical or chemical (25% KC1) stimulus in hens curarized with Fraxidil. Furthermore, a review has been made of abnormal EEGs which were induced by a kind of central nervous disorder with nutritional deficiency, environmental correlations and pharmacologic agents. Papers concerning Leao's spreading depression in the bird's brain are also included. The possibility of eliciting some important patterns of epileptic waves in the bird's telencephalon is emphasized.