SummaryWe evaluated the effects of a bolus (0.4 )1 ) and continuous infusion (1 )1 .h )1 ) of ketamine on Bispectral Index (BIS) and A-LineÒ ARX Index (AAI) during propofol anaesthesia. We included 15 ASA I patients scheduled for general anaesthesia. Induction was performed by infusion of propofol at 100 ml.h )1 until loss of consciousness. Both BIS and AAI monitors responded appropriately at that time. The calculated effect site concentration of propofol at loss of consciousness was maintained by means of a computer controlled infusion system. A 'pseudo' steady-state effect site concentration was reached after 4 min. After 1 min of baseline measurements, ketamine was administered. BIS values increased from the 3rd to the 8th min after the administration of ketamine. The AAI showed no significant increase or decrease, but betweenpatient variability increased. As the clinical signs of the hypnotic state seem to be potentiated by ketamine, one might hypothesise a reduction in the measured BIS value or a decrease in amplitude and latency of the MLAEP curves, resulting in a lower AAI. However, several authors have described an apparently contradictory rise in BIS values when ketamine is administered as an adjuvant to anaesthesia [1,11,12]. Schwender et al. investigated the effects of ketamine induction on the MLAEP and concluded that Anaesthesia, 2003, 58, pages 957-961