Continuous EEG monitoring has not been used widely in neonatal intensive care, especially in the care of extremely premature infants, probably in part because of a lack of a reliable quantitative method. The purpose of this study was to quantify the EEG of the very premature infants just after birth by using spectral analysis and to describe the characteristics of the spectral signal when infants were clinically stable. Digital EEG recordings were performed on 53 infants who were Յ30 wk gestation for 75 min each day during the first 4 d after birth. Artefact was rejected manually after visual inspection of trace. The EEG was analyzed by manual measurement of interburst interval and automatically by spectral analysis using Fast Fourier Transformation. Spectral analysis generated the normal ranges of the relative power of the ␦ (0.5-3.5 Hz), (4 -7.5 Hz), ␣ (8 -12.5 Hz), and  (13-30 Hz) frequency bands, spectral edge frequency, and symmetry. The median (range) relative power of the ␦ band increased significantly from 68% (62-76%) on day 1 to 81% (72-89%) on day 4 (p ϭ 0.001). The interburst intervals became progressively shorter between days 1 [14s (10 -25)] and 3 [8s (6 -12)]; there were no significant differences between days 3 and 4. The relative power of the ␦ band seemed to be the most useful and repeatable spectral measurement for continuous long-term monitoring. However, automatic artefact rejection software needs to be developed before continuous quantitative EEG monitoring can be used in the neonatal intensive care environment. The hemodynamic status of extremely premature infants is particularly labile during the first days after birth. Intensive interventions for such infants are intended to maintain an adequate tissue oxygen supply, particularly to the brain. Because clinical management is aimed at preserving cerebral integrity in these infants, it would be helpful to have some form of continuous neuromonitoring to guide clinical interventions. EEG provides a useful, noninvasive technique for monitoring cerebral electrical activity, and advances in digital technology have made it possible to record high-quality EEG even in an electrically noisy intensive care environment and have done away with the necessity of using large amounts of recording paper. However, interpretation of the EEG is generally considered to be highly specialized, and this is at least one reason that continuous EEG monitoring is not used widely in neonatal intensive care.There are three major issues to be considered for the automatic and reliable analysis of the EEG signal of premature infants and for data to be presented in a manner that is useful to clinicians. First, the EEG of these infants consists predominantly of high-amplitude slow waves (1,2). Bell et al. (3) showed that the relative power of slow waves with frequency Ͻ1 Hz might be as high as 90% in infants at 28 wk gestation. A recent study using DC EEG on infants between 34 and 37 wk gestation found that the spontaneous EEG activity of sleeping preterm infants consiste...