An analysis of multiple competing reactions is presented for one or more reactants with arbitrary electrode kinetics. Criteria are established for selectivity enhancement and control and mr electrochemical reactor design based on electrode potential, temperature, conversion, and transport processes. The strongest effect arises from the potential, which can offset the selectivity dependence on other operating variables. Diffusion transport in porous electrodes can also improve reaction specificity, depending on kinetics. The role of reactor design on selectivity is examined ~or two extreme reactors with channel flow or with thorough mixing. The former operates under nonuniform current and selectivity distribution along the working electrode and may result in apparent limiting currents. Although discussion focuses on two irreversible paralml electroorganic reactions, results are also applicable to reversible, coupled or uncoupled reactions of ionic, dissolved, and gas-phase reactants at thin porous flow-by, gas-diffusion, thin-gap, and slurry electrodes.Reductions and oxidations of organic molecules in solution, in the presence of an electric potential field, yield a variety of important chemicals. Despite extensive mechanistic and exploratory studies (1-3), however, few electroorganic reactions have reached large scale application (4-6). This slow evolution of electrochemicaI processing has partly resulted from inadequate understanding of the coupling of complex chemical, kinetic, and physical steps or of the effect of cell design on reaction specificity and rate. The latter constitute basic parameters in process feasibility evaluation. In view of recent interest for industrial electroorganic processing (6-8) an examination of design criteria for electrochemical reactors (cells) is warranted.In this analysis we examine the rational choice of flow reactors, contact patterns, and operating conditions for optimal selectivity and rate control of competing organic electrocatalytic reactions. For a rational design, knowledge of the kinetic parameters, including the transfer coefficients, of each reaction is essential. The discussion here presents a methodology for a detailed kinetic characterization of coupled, simultaneous electrochemical reactions.Electrocatalytic processes are considered because of the unusual effects that the electrode material and its potential have on selective promotion of complex reaction paths (9). The development of efficient catalytic electrodes and cell configurations and the advent of novel, energy-saving schemes, such as electrogenerative catalytic processes (10, 11), are expected to improve the feasibility of conventional processes (7, 8).With parallel or competing reactions, one reactant may undergo reduction or oxidation via two or more different routes. This is particularly the case with electrocatalytic reactions, which involve surface adsorption on one or more active sites, possible reorganization of the reactant or a reaction intermediate, and surface reaction with one or several el...