The existence of an electrogenic Naf pump in Ehrlich cells which substantially contributes t o the membrane potential, previously derived from the distribution of the lipid soluble cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+), could be confirmed by an independent method based on the quenching of fluorescence of a cyanine dye derivative, after the mitochondrial respiration had been suppressed by appropriate inhibitors. The mitochondria1 membrane potential, by adding t o the overall potential as measured in this way is likely t o cause an overestimation of the membrane potential difference (p.d.). But since this error tends t o diminish with increasing pump activity, the true p.d. of the plasma membrane should easily account for the driving force to drive the active accumulation of amino acids in the absence of a n adequate Na+ concentration gradient. Accordingly, the FZ-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) uptake rises linearly with the distribution of TPP' at constant Na' concentrations, suggesting that each responds directly t o membrane potential. There is evidence that the electrogenic (free) movement of CI-is slow, at least at normal p.d., whereas a major part of the CI-movement across the cellular membrane appears t o occur by an electrically silent CI--base exchange mechanism. By such a mode CI-, together with an almost stoichiometric amount of K+, may under certain conditions move into the cell against a high adverse electrical potential difference. This "paradoxical" movement of KfC1-contributing t o the deviation of the C1-distribution from the electrochemical equilibrium distribution, is not completely understood. It is insensitive towards ouabain but can almost specifically be inhibited by furosemide.As a likely explanation a H+-K+ exchange p u m p was previously offered, even though unequivocal evidence of such a pump is so far lacking. According t o available evidence the electrogenic movement of free CI-is t o o small, at least at normal orientation of the p.d., to significantly shunt the electrogenic pump potential so that the establishment of such a potential is plausible. T h e evidence presented is considered strong in favor of the gradient hypothesis since even in the absence of an adequate Na+ concentration gradient, the electrogenic Na+ pump will contribute sufficient extra driving force t o actively transport amino acid into the cells.Key words: amino acid transport, gradient hypothesis, electrogenic cation pump, electrolyte movements, ouabain, furosemideThe active uptake of neutral amino acids b y Ehrlich cells, as in other animal cells and tissues, is according t o many investigators secondary active transport, i.e., driven b y the electrochemical potential gradient of Nat via cotransport (gradient hypothesis),