Pattern forming instabilities induced by ultralow frequency sinusoidal voltages were studied in a rod-like nematic liquid crystal by microscopic observations and simultaneous electric current measurements. Two pattern morphologies, electroconvection (EC) and flexodomains (FD), were distinguished; both appearing as time separated flashes within each half period of driving. A correlation was found between the time instants of the EC flashes and that of the nonlinear current response. The voltage dependence of the pattern contrast C(U ) for EC has a different character than that for the FD. The flattening of C(U ) at reducing the frequency was described in terms of an imperfect bifurcation model. Analysing the threshold characteristics of FD the temperature dependence of the difference |e1 − e3| of the flexoelectric coefficients were also determined by considering elastic anisotropy.PACS numbers: 61.30. Gd, Recently interest has arisen to study the behaviour in another, subhertz frequency range, where the pattern growth/decay times are (much) shorter than the driving period, using compounds which may exhibit both EC and FD patterns. It has been proven experimentally that at such ultralow frequencies both for the dielectric [8] and the conductive [9] EC regimes, as well as for the FD [8,9] the patterns are flashing, i.e. they exist only in a small part of the driving period. It has been found that there is an f range (∼ 1 − 100 mHz) where both EC and FD patterns can exist in each driving half period in the form of successive (time shifted) flashes. Theoretical calculations based on the standard model of EC extended with flexoelectricity [6] (which is able to describe FDs too [10]) have justified that flashing patterns are indeed the solutions of the nemato-electrohydrodynamic equa-