Abstract. We analyze the problem of shear-induced electrokinetic lift on a particle freely suspended near a solid wall, subject to a homogeneous (simple) shear. To this end, we apply the large-Péclet-number generic scheme recently developed by Yariv et al. (J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 685, 2011, p. 306). For a force-and torque-free particle, the driving flow comprises three components, respectively describing (i) a particle translating parallel to the wall; (ii) a particle rotating with an angular velocity vector normal to the plane of shear; and (iiii) a stationary particle in a shear flow. Symmetry arguments reveal that the electro-viscous lift, normal to the wall, is contributed by Maxwell stresses accompanying the induced electric field, while electro-viscous drag and torque corrections, parallel to the wall, are contributed by the Newtonian stresses accompanying the induced flow. We focus upon the near-contact limit, where all electro-viscous contributions are dominated by the intense electric field in the narrow gap between the particle and the wall. This field is determined by the gap-region pressure distributions associated with the translational and rotational components of the driving Stokes flow, with the shear-component contribution directly affecting only higher-order terms. Owing to the similarity of the corresponding pressure distributions, the induced electric field for equal particle-wall zeta potentials is proportional to the sum of translation and rotation speeds. The electro-viscous loads result in induced particle velocities, normal and tangential to the wall, inversely proportional to the second power of particle-wall separation.