The determination of electrokinetic properties such as the zeta-potential of polymer
samples with classical methods is laborious and time-consuming. For this reasons, a reliable, fast,
and easy to use measurement system based on streaming potential measurement was developed. In
this novel measurement system, streaming potential is created by an oscillating flow of a small
amount of electrolyte solution through the sample media. In addition, this setup allows direct
titration and therefore time-resolved monitoring of changes in zeta-potential in a seconds timescale.
With this instrument, the concentration- as well as the time-dependent adsorption behaviour of
various non-ionic, anionic and cationic surfactants on a novel, regenerated cellulosic polymer was
investigated. This new cellulose-based, fibrous textile polymer is permanently cationised, not only
at the surface but throughout the whole fibre.
The results show that even very low concentrations of surfactant, due to its charge and chemical
composition, highly influence the surface charge of the polymer in a large range. Furthermore, the
results for this new textile material are compared with other textile fibres, e. g. wool.