Charge transport in polymers containing J-aggregates of cyanine dyes serving as fast transport channels is considered. Shape of photocurrent transient depends on initial spatial distribution of carriers. If carriers are homogeneously generated at the electrode surface, then at the initial stage current raises reflecting carrier collection to fast channels and corresponding rate constant is determined by channel density.1 Introduction Under certain conditions organic polymers (polyimides and others) doped with cyanine dyes demonstrate formation of nanosized dye aggregates in the bulk of the polymer matrix [1,2]. These so called J-aggregates [3] have spatially ordered structure and usually contain many molecules of a dye. Resulting composite polymeric materials demonstrate intense electroluminescence with narrow emission bands (attributed to J-aggregates) that could be exploited in electronic organic devices [2].There are reliable experimental indications that J-aggregates should serve as traps for electrons and holes, and yet hopping mobilities of both kinds of carriers are much greater (by order of magnitude or even more) in nanocomposite material in comparison with undoped polymer [2,4]; polymer matrices doped with non-aggregated dyes do not demonstrate increase in carrier mobility. This observation suggests that in relatively thin (with thickness l ' 100-200 nm) transport layers aggregates provide channels connecting the opposite electrodes so carriers could travel from one electrode to another without need to enter into the polymer matrix itself. Motion of carriers inside quasi-crystalline channels with reduced energetic disorder naturally explains higher mobilities of carriers in composite materials. Recently formation of sparse mesh of very long gently curved fibrils (with length 200-300 nm and longer) consisting of individual threads of J-aggregates with thickness of about 2.3 nm or, at larger concentration, of bundles of interwoven threads (with diameter about 10 nm) has been directly visualized in aqueous solutions of cyanine dyes [5]. Typical mesh scale is about 100 nm or greater.Thus, it seems that the simplest yet reasonable model of the composite material should be an isolated quasi-crystalline cylindrical channel with radius b that connects two electrodes and is surrounded by disordered polymer matrix. We used the lattice model of dipolar glass [6] to describe disordered polar polymer serving as a source of residual energetic disorder UðrÞ inside the channel. Sites of the channel carry no dipole moment and all energy fluctuations at these sites are due to contributions of the surrounding dipolar matrix (see Fig. 1). In the case of non-zero moment, aggregate's molecules still do not contribute to the energetic disorder and provide only spatially periodic addition to energy landscape. To model difference in positions of energy levels in the dipolar matrix and J-aggregate a constant value D was subtracted from the energy of every site inside the channel. Every basic cell