If two different semiconductors of differing band gap are brought together, their band edges will have one of the alignments shown in Fig. 8.1. At a type I interface, both electrons and holes near the junction tend to migrate to the smaller-gap semiconductor. Therefore, potential barriers exist for both electrons and holes in going from the smaller-gap semiconductor to the larger-gap semiconductor. Interfaces formed by III-V compounds either with different group III elements such as AlAs(AlGaAs)/GaAs or with different group V elements such as GaAs/GaP belong to type I.Interfaces formed by III-V compounds with both different group-Ill elements and different group-V elements belong to type II. 1 The GaSb/InAs system is an example of this type. The difference in the electron affinities of GaSb (4.03 eV) and InAs (4.90 eV) is so large that two forbidden gaps are completely misaligned in energy, resulting in a type II-misaligned interface. At a type Il-staggered interface, electrons and holes tend to separate, each going into a different material. The type Il-staggered interface results if we reduce the electron-affinity difference and raise the band-gap energy of the smaller-gap semiconductor by mixing group III elements or group V elements or both. Examples of type Il-staggered interface include the (Al,Ga)As/AlAs and (Al,In)As/InP systems.The band-gap discontinuities present at any heterojunction interface are a consequence of the difference between the gaps of two semiconductors. As shown in Fig. 8.1, the band-gap difference is distributed between a conduction-band discontinuity AE C and a valence-band discontinuity AE V . In a type I (straddling lineup), we obtain1a) GaAs and Related Materials Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM on 08/24/15. For personal use only. ENERGY-BAND STRUCTURE: BAND UNEUPS AND HETEROJUNCTION Figure 8.1 Schematic diagrams showing three representative types of heterostructure interfaces: (a) type I (straddling lineup), (b) type H-misaligned (broken-gap lineup), and (c) type H-staggered (staggered lineup). The lower parts also represent the lineups for real material systems, namely (a) GaAs/AlAs, (b) GaSb/InAs, and (c) A^Ga^As/AlAs.while for type II (broken-gap and staggered lineups) the relation is given bywhere AE g is the band-gap difference.
An OverviewThe fundamental importance of the energy-band offsets for the physics and applications of semiconductor heterostructures has motivated a large body of experimental and theoretical work in this field. In spite of this effort, however, many basic questions remain open. From the experimental point of view, contradictory values have been reported for the most intensively studied system, AljGa^As/GaAs, 2 and also even for the classic textbook-example system, GaAs/Ge. 3 In the past thirty years this has stimulated the development of a number of theoretical approaches to predict the values of AE C and AE V . 4,5 The most widely used theoretical model is the electron-affinity r...