impossible to obtain a higher bandwidth response with smaller electrical size complementary resonators. A dual behavior with respect to the SRR-based structures is observed, where the magnitudes M and C play a similar role.
CONCLUSIONSIn conclusion, it has been shown that, by reducing the electrical size of metamaterial resonators, the bandwidth of metamaterial transmission lines based on them (stopband in negative permeability lines and passband in left-handed lines) is generally degraded. An explanation based on the effects of mutual coupling between the line and the particles, for SRRs-and CSRRs-based metamaterial transmission lines, has been given. Comparing the two proposed analysis realized in this article, it follows that similar phenomenology in both type of lines arises. This is in agreement with the qualitative dual behavior of SRR-based and CSRRbased lines. This analysis complements the study of the duality between both structures, realized by same of the authors in [7].