The Weibel/filamentation instability is known to play a key role in the physics of weakly magnetized collisionless shock waves. From the point of view of high energy astrophysics, this instability also plays a crucial role because its development in the shock precursor populates the downstream with a small-scale magneto-static turbulence which shapes the acceleration and radiative processes of suprathermal particles. The present work discusses the physics of the dissipation of this Weibelgenerated turbulence downstream of relativistic collisionless shock waves. It calculates explicitly the first-order nonlinear terms associated to the diffusive nature of the particle trajectories. These corrections are found to systematically increase the damping rate, assuming that the scattering length remains larger than the coherence length of the magnetic fluctuations. The relevance of such corrections is discussed in a broader astrophysical perspective, in particular regarding the physics of the external relativistic shock wave of a gamma-ray burst.
IntroductionThe physics of collisionless shock waves has drawn wide interest, from pure theoretical plasma physics, starting with the pioneering work of Moiseev and Sagdeev (1963), to high energy astrophysics (e.g. Blandford and Eichler 1987), where it plays a key role in explaining most of the observed non-thermal spectra, and more recently, to laboratory high energy density physics, where collisionless shock waves are about to be produced through the interactions of laser beam-generated plasmas (e.g. Drake and Gregori 2012). At low magnetization -meaning that the unshocked plasma carries a magnetic field of small energy density compared to the shock kinetic energy -the physics of these collisionless shock waves is driven by the filamentation instability, also dubbed Weibel instability: this filamentation instability takes place in the shock precursor, where the incoming background plasma -as viewed in the reference frame in which the shock lies at rest -mixes with a population of shock-reflected or supra-thermal particles. This has been demonstrated by ab initio particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, see e.g. Kato and Takabe (2008) for non-relativistic unmagnetized shock waves and Spitkovsky (2008a) for their relativistic counterparts, of direct interest to the present work. This filamentation instability and its various branches have consequently received a great deal of attention (see e.g. for relativistic shock waves Medvedev and Loeb