Abstract.When Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden discovered the atomic nucleus in 1909 in Manchester, they at the same time also laid the foundations for the most successful method to study the structure of nuclei and nucleons. They found a point-like scattering centre inside the atom and identified it with the atomic nucleus and the theoretical description of this process has been known as Rutherford scattering ever since. The deviation between the theoretical description for a point-like scattering centre and experimental data has since been used to reveal information about the structure of the nucleus as well as the nucleon. There has been a continuous development from Hofstadters experiments in the 1950s, over the SLAC experiments in the 60s and 70s to the the HERA experiments at DESY and the experimental programme at Jeffersonlab. In this paper I am presenting the most recent results in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering from the Hermes experiment at DESY, taken with a high density unpolarised target and a recoil detector in 2006/7.
IntroductionWhen Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden discovered the atomic nucleus in 1909 in Manchester, they at the same time also laid the foundations for the most successful method to study the structure of nuclei and nucleons. They found a point-like scattering centre inside the atom and identified it with the atomic nucleus and the theoretical description of this process has been known as Rutherford scattering ever since. Half a century later, in the 1950s, Robert Hofstadter used the difference between the measured results from electron scattering on nuclei and the theoretical expectation from Rutherford scattering to learn something about the structure of nuclei. The ratio between experiment and theory became known as the form factor of the nucleus, its Fourier transform corresponding to the charge distribution inside the nucleus [1]. This was quickly also extended to proton and neutron [2,3] using the concept of electric and magnetic form factors that M. Rosenbluth had introduced already in 1950 [4]. The experiments by Taylor, Kendall and Friedman in the 1960s and 70s at SLAC then extended all of these concepts to the level of nucleons: they found point-like scattering centres, the partons (later identified with quarks), inside proton and neutron [5]. In addition to proton and neutron form factors parton distribution functions (PDFs) were introduced as functions of the momentum fraction of the partons to parameterise the new deep inelastic scattering (DIS) results.The unpolarised quark-parton structure of the proton was mapped in great detail at DESY in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering by the HERA experiments H1 and ZEUS between 1990 and 2006[6]. The polarised proton structure was explored in parallel at experiments at CERN [7], SLAC [8], Jeffersonlab and at the Hermes experiment at DESY. The theoretical description of the proton structure developed alongside the experimental results and an entire zoo of structure