A quark model based on the relativistic wave equation is considered. The normalizablewave functions are used in the calculation of the nucleon elastic electromagnetic form factors, with the current defined via minimal coupling. A dipole behaviour of the magnetic form factors is obtained, and the neutron electric form factor is different from zero. Due to the choice of the spinor part of the wave function, there are no redundant factors in the calculated form factors. § I. IntroductionThere are attempts to describe the dynamics of hadrons on the basis of the relativistic wave equation in the symmetric quark model. 1 l-sl In order to understand the essential features of such models, it is very important to treat every specific problem in a consistent way within the model. This is the reason why we have chosen normalizable solutions of the wave equation 1 l-sl, 5 l and minimal electromagnetic interaction. 4 Pl The consequences are examined on the nucleon elastic electromagnetic form factors.After the introduction of the basic wave equation and its normalizable spatial solutions, we choose the spinor part of the total nucleon wave function so that no excessive factor appears in the calculated matrix elements ( § 2). Then we introduce the electromagnetic interaction of the nucleon via minimal coupling, proving also the current conservation ( § 3). After the calculation of the nucleon form factors ( § 4) we have found that a) the magnetic nucleon form factors have a dipole behaviour consistent with experimental data, b) the neutron electric form factor is different from zero and has for small k 2 the values which are in agreement with experiment (within experimental errors), but the slope at k 2 = 0 is smaller than the experimental one and c) the scaling law for proton form factors can be satisfied only if the quark form factors are introduced ( § 5). § 2. Wave function of the nucl~on Trying to extend relativistically the nonrelativistic harmonic-oscillator quark model,rl it has been supposed that the origin of the "force", responsible for making three quarks staying together in hadrons, is the four"dimensional harmonic potential between every pair of quarks. 1 l-6 l The basic relativistic wave equation