(1232) resonance becomes important. The Lorentz-covariant effective field theory, which is the framework used in this series of study, contains nucleons, pions, ∆s, isoscalar scalar (σ) and vector (ω) fields, and isovector vector (ρ) fields. The lagrangian exhibits a nonlinear realization of (approximate) SU (2)L ⊗ SU (2)R chiral symmetry and incorporates vector meson dominance. In this paper, we focus on setting up the framework. Power counting for vertices and Feynman diagrams is explained. Because of the built-in symmetries, the vector current is automatically conserved (CVC), and the axial-vector current is partially conserved (PCAC). To calibrate the axial-vector transition current (N ↔ ∆), pion production from the nucleon is used as a benchmark and compared to bubble-chamber data from Argonne and Brookhaven National Laboratories. At low energies, the convergence of our power-counting scheme is investigated, and next-to-leading-order tree-level corrections are found to be small.