To cite this version:Fabien Caubet, Djalil Kateb, Frédérique Le Louër. Shape sensitivity analysis for elastic structures with generalized impedance boundary conditions of the Wentzell type -Application to compliance minimization. Journal of Elasticity, Springer Verlag, In press, Journal of Elasticity. Abstract This paper focuses on Generalized Impedance Boundary Conditions (GIBC) with second order derivatives in the context of linear elasticity and general curved interfaces. A condition of the Wentzell type modeling thin layer coatings on some elastic structure is obtained through an asymptotic analysis of order one of the transmission problem at the thin layer interfaces with respect to the thickness parameter. We prove the well-posedness of the approximate problem and the theoretical quadratic accuracy of the boundary conditions. Then we perform a shape sensitivity analysis of the GIBC model in order to study a shape optimization/optimal design problem. We prove the existence and characterize the first shape derivative of this model. A comparison with the asymptotic expansion of the first shape derivative associated to the original thin layer transmission problem shows that we can interchange the asymptotic and shape derivative analysis. Finally we apply these results to the compliance minimization problem. We compute the shape derivative of the compliance in this context and present some numerical simulations.