Experiments in charge control on the AF/NASA P78‐2 (SCATHA) satellite were conducted with a plasma/ion source in the inner magnetosphere. These experiments were monitored with plasma wave instruments capable of high temporal and frequency resolution in the 0–6 kHz frequency range. Ion gun experiments revealed two distinct classes of behavior. Nonneutralized ion beam operation at 1 mA, 1 kV resulted in arcing signatures (spiky in time, broad frequency range), coincident with induced satellite potentials of −600 to −900 V. This signature disappeared when the accelerating voltage was switched off or the beam was neutralized (at which time the satellite body approached potentials of a few volts). The signal is attributed to arcing between differentially charged surfaces. An additional feature was noted in the 100‐kHz channel of the wave receiver. During emission of dense, low‐energy plasma, a signal is generated which may be at the upper hybrid, or plasma frequency for the local plasma.