A novel electromagnetic particle-in-cell algorithm has been developed for fully kinetic plasma simulations on unstructured (irregular) meshes in complex body-of-revolution geometries. The algorithm, implemented in the BORPIC++ code, utilizes a set of field scalings and a coordinate mapping, reducing the Maxwell field problem in a cylindrical system to a Cartesian finite element Maxwell solver in the meridian plane. The latter obviates the cylindrical coordinate singularity in the symmetry axis. The choice of an unstructured finite element discretization enhances the geometrical flexibility of the BORPIC++ solver compared to the more traditional finite difference solvers. Symmetries in Maxwell's equations are explored to decompose the problem into two dual polarization states with isomorphic representations that enable code reuse. The particle-in-cell scatter and gather steps preserve charge-conservation at the discrete level. Our previous algorithm (BORPIC+) discretized the E and B field components of TE ϕ and TM ϕ polarizations on the finite element (primal) mesh [1,2]. Here, we employ a new field-update scheme. Using the same finite element (primal) mesh, this scheme advances two sets of field components independently: (1) E and B of TE ϕ polarized fields, (E z , E ρ , B ϕ ) and (2) D and H of TM ϕ polarized fields, (D ϕ , H z , H ρ ). Since these field updates are not explicitly coupled, the new field solver obviates the coordinate singularity, which otherwise arises at the cylindrical symmetric axis, ρ = 0 when defining the discrete Hodge matrices (generalized finite element mass matrices). A cylindrical perfectly matched layer is implemented as a boundary condition in the radial direction to simulate open space problems, with periodic boundary conditions in the axial direction. We investigate effects of charged particles moving next to the cylindrical perfectly matched layer. We model azimuthal currents arising from rotational motion of charged rings, which produce TM ϕ polarized fields. Several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the first application of the algorithm.